Speaker: Lynn Robson, Hua Sun, Shidong Wang
Event date: 6 Nov 2020
Event time: 12:30 – 13:30
Venue: Oxford Prospects and Global Development Institute – Online
Event cost: Free
Disabled access? No
Booking required: Required
Online booking: Book online here
This fiercest public health crisis in a century has elicited cooperative courage and sacrifice across the globe. At the same time, the COVID-19 pandemic is intensifying social, economic, educational and ethical divides, within and between nations. It is reshaping how we engage with each other and how we see the world around us. It urges us to think more deeply on many challenging issues – some of which can perhaps be transformed into opportunities for re-affirming a better future if we handle them well.
Oxford Prospects & Global Development Institute presents four conversations, each partnering academic speakers and audiences from the UK and China.
Join us in the cross-cultural transmission of these infectious ideas.
Blended Learning: New Prospects of International Higher Education
Dr Lynn Robson (Oxford University) in conversation with Professor Sun Hua (Peking University)
Host: Dr Shidong Wang (Oxford University)
Professor Sun Hua is the Director of Center for Excellent Teaching and Learning of Peking University. His previous experience includes the Student Affairs Administrator in School of Journalism and Communication of PKU, the Deputy Director in Office of Planning and Policy Research of PKU, the Deputy Director in Office of Education Administration of PKU, Executive Dean of Yuanpei College of Peking University. The Center for Excellent Teaching and Learning at PKU constructed an overall system for improving and developing the teaching ability of faculty in PKU during this pandemic. Prof. Sun Hua has developed his research in pedagogy and cross-culture communication.
Dr Lynn Robson is Tutorial Fellow in English Literature, Director for Admissions for English, Director of the Visiting Student Programme, and joint Director of Studies for Classics and English at Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford. She is Academic Director of Oxford Prospects and Global Development Institute. Dr Robson teaches Early Modern Literature to undergraduates studying English Language and Literature, Classics and English, and History and English. She is convenor for the MSt in Women’s Studies. Her research interests are in early modern print culture, particularly inexpensive print, and she is currently working on two projects based in Shakespeare’s plays. Dr Robson has won awards from Oxford University for outstanding teaching and outstanding pastoral support of students.
Dr Shidong Wang is the Director of Oxford Prospects and Global Development Institute at Regent’s Park College, Oxford. He holds a PhD in Maths from Bonn University, Germany, and has spent time as a research fellow at UC Berkeley before taking up a research position at Oxford. He is a visiting professor at China Youth University of Political Science and Fudan University. Besides research, he is also running the UK-China University President’s Round-table dialogue; an annual event for Presidents of leading UK and China universities to discuss challenges and opportunities for facing them together. He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Arts.

Original Event Article: https://www.ox.ac.uk/event/blended-learning-new-prospects-international-higher-education